Occasionally it comes to mind that if one spends too much time reading the thoughts of others, it becomes far to easy to become dependent on the thoughts of others and not take the time to examine oneself. However, it also seems relevant to examine my own thoughts in the light and context of others. If one does not take the opportunity to be introspective from time to time, it often becomes increasingly difficult to see clearly beyond today or the ripples in my own pond. I have just finished reading North to the Night by Alvah Simon ... an autobiographical journal of reflections on sailing north west of Greenland in early September and intentionally becoming embedded in the arctic ice and in the endless dark of the arctic winter... a most desolate visit with wilderness in its most harsh reality. The author reflects that his greatest battle was with loneliness and with darkness ... both of which are an absence of the stimulation of life. Without the presence of light and of the interaction of other people, we lose sight of our perspective. I'm reminded of the Moody Blues tune, Nights in White Satin.

Cold hearted orb that rules the night
Removes the colours from our sight
Red is gray and Yellow white
But we decide which is right
And which is an Illusion ... and if we are deprived of the light, our evaluation of truth is necessarily biased and may not be recognized for what it is. Wilderness has its purpose ... that time spent in wilderness intentionally places one in a situation that requires greater dependence on self ...
The longer the experience, the less dependent upon self and the greater dependence upon GOD - for even the most fundamental needs ... and definition of perspective.
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