It has been over three months since I posted an entry here. I don't know why ... really. Why I've chosen today to return...? One of the advantages of teaching school is that each year one has opportunity to start afresh ... new beginnings... and the return to good habits and more predictable rhythms. I just went back and read my last entry, following a thunderstorm - again one of my most fulfilling enjoyments. I was fortunate enough three weeks ago to walk through a section of the Continental Divide from Thirty Mile Campground to Squaw Lake with my daughter, my son, and soon-to-be daughter in law. The first night we spent three and a half hours in a thunderstorm - in the safety of shelter. We also had our opportunities to walk in the rain, but for the most part the rain was timely ... allowing us time to put up our tents and put on our rain gear. There is something awesome and sobering about being in a thunderstorm above treeline. It's as if you could reach out and touch the Almighty himself, but also fearful that He might touch you.
Such is life ... we are often [too often] lulled into the mundane of day to day living ... failing to recognize that we are in a thunderstorm - every day. I pray that I would realize the nearness of the clouds and acknowledge the showers of blessings each day ... the nearness of GOD ... and not be fearful that He might touch me ... and I would be changed forever. Thank you Father for the thunderstorms ... for the nearness of your touch ... for the cleansing of your showers. Please bring the rain. Please bring your reign.
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