With a dusting of ice and freezing temperatures we are temporarily paralyzed...at least our schools are...and life goes on for the rest of the world. Why is it the expectation that our kids need to start school late while the guy who delivers my paper can still get it to my doorway by 6:15 AM? There are many things I do not understand. Why do 7-11 stores have locks on the doors if they stay open 24/7? Why do we have a pair of pants and not a scissor?
An ex-student wrote me this week and asked me to explain why her pastor had been viciously murdered...how can GOD allow it? I had few words of wisdom. What I do know, I told her, is that though I do not understand how GOD allows a massive earthquake to decimate the poorest nation in the Western hemisphere, nor the slavery and starvation of children in Uganda, Darfur, or Zimbabwe ... HIS presence is there in the midst of the chaos. HE knows when a single sparrow falls . . . and one of his creatures' hearts comes to a halt. He is there under the rubble of a fallen school - offering gentle and silent encouragement to a teenage girl, reminding her of HIS presence and that HE will rescue her. My faith is not in chariots and horses! "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight," Proverbs 3:5,6
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