(This showed up in my drafts and I don’t believe I ever posted it ... circa 2015)
Reflecting on yesterday ... the church bulletin published a half page summary of a 'legend' about how birds got their wings. I do not know the source, but it was really quite cheesy. The gist of the legend was that birds were created without wings and GOD told them to carry their wings. Their burdens became their means of flight. Perhaps someone was encouraged by the parable that by some stretch of the imagination had spiritual implications for their life, but it wasn't me. This is not a cynical attack. The story did start me thinking about flight and I was reminded of a group of finches that were brought to our 'rainforest' room at school. We thought it would be cool to have birds fly about this large room that was full of aquariums, tropical plants, and a waterfall. But when the finches arrived ... all they did was walk around ... hop a bit ... and occasionally fly about six inches up in the air. It seems that they had been raised in a small cage since birth and really had no idea of their own capabilities of flight. They also did not sing as I had expected the finches to do. It took them a couple of days to adapt to their new environment and begin to fly about the room. With their freedom came their song. You draw your own inferences.
"those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar on wings of eagles;
they will run and now grow weary; they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40